About me

My family and I live in Zagreb, Croatia.  We work for an international Christian organization (CCCI) and its local affiliate, “Udruga Fokus.”  We came back to Croatia in 2001 (‘back’ for my wife Sandra, who is from here) to start a ministry to the marketplace.  It has been a fascinating and amazing journey.

Before coming to Croatia I worked as an R&D engineer at Hewlett-Packard.  It was a great experience to work on chip development for high-end servers and live through the dot-com era in Silicon Valley.  California has a really special place in my heart – we would go there for vacations each year to visit our family, and a place like Stanford University seemed right out of a fairy tale to me.  It was great fun to do my undergrad and graduate work there in Electrical Engineering.  I also really appreciated the liberal arts focus there.  During my time at Stanford I made a series of decisions that really set my life on its course.  The biggest ones were to realize that Jesus either rose from the dead or he didn’t, that everything else flows from that, and that I was convinced he did.

The grist for this blog comes mainly from my experiences working and living in a fascinating cross-cultural team, readings for the Masters of Divinity program at Bethel Seminary, and following publications like the Economist, EMQ, IMBR, and local Croatian newspapers.

You can contact me at nolan@nolansharp.com

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Lambert Dolphin July 8, 2012 at 8:42 pm

Great hearing you today. I want to catch up with such a fine Christian brother. God bless you my friend,


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